The next-generation USB plug is smaller and finally, reversible

    Plugging a USB device with a proper orientation on the first try is hard. We faced this major dilemma ever since it sparked up. Well, our long worldwide nightmare is almost over. Behold, the USB 3.1.

    Jamming our USB device in blindly will soon be out of the way. In a not so distant future, the plug will always be the right side up. The upcoming connector, called Type-C, is designed for the USB 3.1 specification and scheduled to be finalized by the middle of 2014.

The plug is said to be the size of the MicroUSB plug,

- and sports an array of new features such as: scalable power charging and support data rates nearing 10 Gbit/s.

"While USB technology is well established as the favored choice for connecting and powering devices, we recognize the need to develop a new connector to meet evolving design trends in terms of size and usability" said Brad Saunders, USB 3.0 Promoter Group Chairman, in a released statement today.

    The caveat: This plug will not mate with existing USB plugs and receptacles. This means, sadly, one day, the dozens of MicroUSB cables on your drawer will be obsolete.

I (for one), like the idea of the reversible USB plugs. What do you think?

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